Hello my dear friends. It's been too long since I've posted and I promise to catch up! On Saturday, Pat and I tested for our 1st KYU belts in Shito-Ryu karate. This is a belt between brown and black. From this point, we must wait six months before we can be invited to test for our black belt. During this time, we'll review all 18 katas, take downs and self-defense moves we already know, learn one new kata and bring all of it up to black belt level.
Pat and I both are just thrilled to have reached this level of karate and we would have never predicted we would have climbed this far. We both have backgrounds in Shotokan and even studied under the same Sensei, albeit at different eras in our lives. I really believe that our training under that Sensei gave us an advantage when learning Shito-Ryu. We've grown to truly love this style of karate and I believe a lot of it has to do with the fact that our Shihan is an excellent model and teacher of the art. He not only teaches us the katas, but also the bunkai - which is applying the techniques into "real life" applications. Our tests include kata (also called forms), terminology, take-downs (my favorite), self-defense and kumite (sparring). We managed to get a few videos of our test - thank you John! Here, for your viewing pleasure, is Pat sparring one of the black belts known as "Sempai Spidey" because he moves like Spiderman...
Shihan's wife was commening on how quickly we've risens through the ranks. It hasn't even been two years since we started training in this style. Because of our Shotokan experience, Shihan allowed us to test for three belts our first test. This, obviously, gave us a huge jump start! I'll never forget that first test. An orange belt watched me do my take downs and when I stepped off the mat (to the standing ovation of parents) she asked me "how did you learn to do that?" I may only be 5'2" but isn't there a saying that "good things come in small packages?"
I have to admit that I was really worried about my back during this test, having re-injured it about three weeks ago. I definitely was not my best during kumite. I was telling Pat that I think I have a subconscious self-defense mechanism in my brain that prevents me from letting loose when I fight. I'm so afraid I'm going to bring on that excruciating pain that I get when my back gives out! Every time I pass a test, I give myself an assignment to work on one special thing to improve in karate. This past time, it was my kumite. I know I improved, but I feel I let myself down during the test. I'm my worst enemy being a perfectionist, I know. But I want to be the very best I can be.
Now a long and arduous process begins to see if we can make it to black belt. Wish us luck - these two middle aged old farts are gonna need it! =D
One more thing - on the way home from our test, John, our son the black belt, made it a point to tell us how proud he is that his Mom and Dad have come this far. That was the best thing I heard all day!
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17 hours ago
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