Saturday, January 10, 2009

10/365 Naples Pier

10/365 Naples Pier, originally uploaded by Sassygeogirl.

So I inform my family I'm going to the pier for sunset photos and they want to go too. I almost didn't go, there was so much bickering and fussing in the car on the way there I wanted to go home. >/ But, cooler heads prevailed and got there in plenty of time to set up. The kid went fishing and caught a lot of fish - he was a happy camper.

I hooked up with a seasoned photographer who was also there and he helped me with my exposure settings - I'm still learning... Took about 130 photos - but liked this one the best. I'm thinking now I may have cropped it weird. I *did* set up the thirds grid in PS and it looked good on there. Oh well. Any suggestions would be helpful. I want to improve!

The weather was clear today and I was happy to see some clouds as the sun set. This was about 20 minutes after the sun went down.

Nothing like going to the beach in January!

The hub was waiting for me in the car and said "what were you doing for so long?" Sigh....

We stopped for ice cream on the way home and picked up a movie from Blockbuster... "Hancock." After the grumpiness today, we needed something happy and funny!

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